Cybersecurity Community Incident Response Game

Our final Cybersecurity Community series event with Pondurance was definitely our most fun. We met up at Village Meeple Board Game Cafe, shared some MsSalty's Pizza and beverages, and walked through a gamified cybersecurity incident. Each of our four groups were give a different industry, but were given the same starting points: a vague description of their business and a real-life ransom note. They were then left to start formulating their response but were not left alone! Every ten minutes, they were given more information. During the third round, they rolled dice to determine the type of endpoint solution they were using and the status of their backups.

At the end of our evening, we gathered to review everyone’s findings. Our hospital, in good fun, reported the loss of all patients while our community college managed to keep all students alive and were chosen our winners! They each received a free entry to Village Meeple and Andy's Frozen Custard gift cards.

Thank you to our 2023 Cybersecurity Community sponsor Pondurance for their year-long support and Village Meeple for a wonderful venue and evening.


Connecting Possibilities: Jack Henry partners with Springfield Tech Council as a Visionary Sponsor


Congratulations to the 2023 Excellence in Technology Award Winners!